Telephonic Counselling

LifeLine - +27313122323

SADAG 24-Hour Toll Free Counselling - +27800456798

SADAG Suicide Crisis Line - +27800567567


ChildLine - +27 8000 55555

Trauma, Abuse and Domestic Violence

Trauma, North Durban Victim Support - +27664838589

Hope For Women Anti-Human Trafficking - +2771839201

Open Door Crisis Centre - +27317092679

Family Services

ABBA Specialist Adoption and Social Services - Pretoria +27123426145, Western Cape +27219499321

Substance Abuse and Addictions

Project Exodus - +27826923999

Alcoholics Anonymous - +27313014959

Narcotics Anonymous - +27839009692

Psychiatric Centres and Assistance

Akeso Psychiatric Response - +27 86 143 5787

King Dinuzulu - +27 31 242 6000

Health and Medical

AIDs Helpline - +27 8000 12322

Durban Metro Medical Emergency - +27 31 361 000

Netcare - +2782911

Ethekweni Hospital - +27315812400

Durban City Helplines

Flying Squad - 10111

Counselling Services

Focus on the Family - +27317163300